Barbeque Tips:
Fire control is everything. Use the vents on your grill to control the heat. Try to maintain a cooking temperature of 300º – 325º
Use tongs instead of a fork or anything to pierce the meats. This will keep the meat intact and protect moisture.
Barbeque sauce has a lot of sugar and burns easily. Don’t start basting until the final ⅓ cooking time.
Fresh sausage should be cooked to an internal temperature of 165º. The longer it is cooked beyond that, the drier it will be.
Use different woods to achieve different flavors. Try fruit woods like cherry, peach, pear, and apple. Also, don’t forget about nut woods like pecan, and oak.
Commercially raised, USDA inspected pork should be cooked to an internal temperature of 140º. This will give the best flavor!
Don’t be in a hurry. Barbequing should be a relaxing and enjoyable experience. Slow down.
There is no need to flip chicken over. Place chicken halves bone side down and leave it alone. The BBQ pit will do all of the hard work.
Keep chicken in large pieces like halves or quarters. This will ensure that it cooks more uniformly.
The target temperature for chicken is 165º in the thickest part of the breast, and 175º in the thickest part of the thigh.
Stay hungry!